Meet Natasha

Natasha Marcus is a three-term State Senator, currently serving on the Senate Commerce & Insurance, Judiciary, Education, Budget and Election & Redistricting Committees. She is a former litigation attorney and earned her undergraduate degree in Public Policy and a law degree. She is the mother of two adult children, the mother in law of a Naval officer, and lives in Davidson. She is the Democratic Nominee for North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance.

Meet Natasha

We need a new Commissioner of Insurance who will do the job right, advocating for the people's best interests and forcing insurance companies to justify their rates at
public hearings.

I'll be that new leader and I ask for your support
this year.

Get to Know Me

In sharp contrast to my opponent, I am free of any entanglements with the insurance companies I will be elected to regulate. I am ready to hold public hearings where I will require insurance companies to justify their rate increase requests with evidence presented under oath and subject to cross-examination. I will fight for affordable, reliable insurance for North Carolinians' homes, vehicles, businesses, and healthcare and will be an honest, frugal steward of the taxpayer money funding the Department of Insurance.

When not advocating for my community and constituents, you can find me on a run through Davidson, playing trivia at a local coffee shop, fostering stray cats and kittens, or reading to keep up with my book club.

Why I’m Running

During my time in the North Carolina Senate, I’ve been an outspoken champion for people over corporations, for individual freedoms over ideology, and for smart investments in our state’s future. My campaigns are funded by grassroots donors and supporters like you and I’m scandal-free. My mission has always been to stand up against corruption, corporate greed, and bad government.

Now, I’m running to bring those values and that record to the Department of Insurance. Learn more about my plans below:

What does the Commissioner
of Insurance do?

The North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance is a Council of State official empowered to look out for everyone in North Carolina who needs insurance. The Commissioner should ensure rates are fair, coverage is as-advertised, and valid claims are paid.

The Commissioner has authority over all insurance companies doing business in our state, the Consumer Protection Fund, the Safe Kids Program, and the Seniors' Health Insurance Information Program. The Dept of Insurance oversees fire safety and building inspections, and is also a main source of information about insurance policies and claims, including worker’s compensation.

In other words, the Insurance Commissioner’s work touches almost every North Carolinian — young and old, workers, motorists, patients, homeowners, firefighters, and business owners — and should be held by someone who is on the side of the people.

Who I’m Up Against

My opponent has earned his nickname of “Rate Hike Mike” Causey by approving 16 rate hikes on NC consumers, an unprecedented rate across the historical record. He’s an insurance industry insider and a lobbyist-turned-politician who’s accepted hundreds of thousands in campaign dollars from insurance industry sources in his 8 years in office.

Causey has also been caught in scandal after scandal, using taxpayer money to reward his friends and political allies with plum positions at the Department of Insurance, instead of qualified experts. Causey’s personal friend is paid $84,000+ a year to be his chauffeur, while another was paid a six-figure salary for years without having to do any work.

While Causey’s allowed his friends and the insurance companies to profit at our expense, I’m committed to working for North Carolinians - rejecting unfair rate hikes and returning accountability and transparency to the office. See my priorities for more about how I will work for the best interests of NC consumers.

Hear from Natasha

Natasha with PBS
State Lines

Interview with the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina

Natasha on the
Hometown Holler Podcast