Open letter to NC Department of Insurance employees

From State Senator Natasha Marcus, Candidate for NC Commissioner of Insurance

October 2024

I've heard from many of you who have shared your concerns about the current Commissioner of Insurance and the troubling workplace environment he has cultivated. I know you need to remain anonymous in order to avoid possible retribution. I cannot email you directly, but want you to know that I hear you, know about your dissatisfaction at work, share your concerns, and appreciate your support. 

I have heard about how the current commissioner uses double standards to determine who has the freedom to work from home, turns personal grudges into workplace humiliations, rewards friends and political allies while undermining hardworking DOI/OSFM employees he believes are disloyal, and has deprioritized consumers’ best interests. Because of these issues and more, many good people have left the DOI and critical positions remain vacant.

From the outside, the inner workings of the DOI are opaque and these reports are disturbing.

As our state’s next Commissioner of Insurance, my focus will always be doing what's best for the people of North Carolina. That includes leading the DOI ethically and professionally, treating hard-working DOI employees fairly.

Under my leadership, workplace harassment will not be tolerated and employees will be respected and treated fairly. Everyone deserves a safe, fair workplace. We’ll be scandal-free, clearing out the good ol’ boys network and ushering in a new, fresh approach.  

I value employees who are interested in doing good work for the people of North Carolina and look forward to leading our team with that as our North Star. Together, we will focus on protecting and serving the public, which is what North Carolinians deserve.